Stress Engineering Services brings its industry leading Upstream Engineering, Materials & Testing services to Malaysia.
Founded in 1972, Stress is an independent, Consulting Engineering firm that provides professional engineering services to a variety of industries worldwide which includes Materials, Riser & Subsea Engineering plus Design and Full Scale Testing Services.
Summary of Service
Component Design & Analysis
Industry leaders know that focusing on the basics is the key to success in deep water. They also know that failing to address important details can lead to catastrophe, while preoccupation with lesser details causes costly budget and schedule overruns. That is why Stress Engineering Services is the industry's choice for design, analysis, and testing of offshore systems and components.
Floating Systems
A floating production system is a complex assembly of platforms, wells, risers, moorings, subsea pipelines, flowlines, controls, and instrumentation. In all phases, from feasibility through execution, it must be designed and treated as a system. Stress Engineering operates from this system perspective, whether designing the individual parts or integrating them into a whole. We are also uniquely qualified to perform the coupled analyses that are essential to making properly informed system decisions.
Full-Scale Testing Services
Stress Engineering Services is a leader in standardized and custom full-scale testing in force, load, fatigue, temperature, pressure, torque, noise, and vibration. With more than 140,000 square feet of laboratory space and a large inventory of advanced testing equipment, we can simulate a wide range of operational conditions for a variety of industries, applications and materials.
Materials Engineering
Stress is a leading independent materials engineering and testing firm. Our materials testing laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for a wide range of material-testing methods including static tensile, compression, fatigue, chemistry, impact, environmental-related loading, creep, and relaxation.
Riser Systems Engineering
Our riser expertise is centered on the design and analysis of production, drilling, combo (combined production and drilling), export, water-injection, and completion riser systems.
Subsea Engineering
Stress Engineering Services is a renowned provider of subsea and pipeline/flowline engineering, field architecture development, and project management solutions. Our clients include major and independent oil companies, as well as equipment manufacturers, who are looking for dependable and cost effective answers in all phases of their offshore projects.