Geomechanics Consultancy
P(TEN) is a specialist geomechanics consultancy based in the UK and provides bespoke, operationally-focussed geomechanics advice and services to a range of clients worldwide.
P(TEN) covers the entire asset lifecycle from prospect evaluation to abandonment or redevelopment for other purposes. Services include pore pressure and fracture gradient (PPFG) assessment, wellbore stability predictions (WBS), post-drilling analyses and PPFG / WBS monitoring during drilling.
Summary of Services
A primary objective of our services is to identify geomechanical risks to well construction and develop risk mitigation measures for design and execution.
Pore Pressure &‘Fracture Gradient’ Assessment (PPFG)
P(TEN) offers a full pore pressure – fracture gradient interpretation and prediction service, including remote real or ‘relevant’ time monitoring during drilling.
Wellbore Stability Assessment (WBS)
The geomechanical profile (PPFG and wellbore stability plot) helps inform both the well design and drilling practices with the aim of reducing Non-Productive Time related to hole problems.
Completion Stability Assessment (‘Sanding’)
A completion stability assessment can help optimise both completion and facility design, reducing unnecessary costs and maximising productivity.
Real / ‘Relevant’ Time Pore Pressure and Geomechanics Monitoring for Drilling Operations
This service allows implementation of geomechanics-based recommendations, and involves monitoring of conditions during drilling using a web-based information system. Direct streaming into a ‘live’ model is possible, with regular updates provided to the client, both in report format and during attendance at meetings such as the Morning Call.
Post-drilling Geomechanics Assessments
This is a key part of the ‘Lessons Learned’ process, and should be included in the End of Well report. Existing geomechanical models can be updated for future wells and data deficiencies highlighted and incorporated in forward planning.
Contractor Supervision / Monitoring & Peer Reviews / Assists
P(TEN) are independent, with no tools or other services to sell. As such, they can help you gain the maximum value from existing / ongoing geomechanical studies by monitoring your contractors and providing advice on the interpretation and implementation of third-party study results.
Other services
P(TEN) are also able to provide the following services:
- Fault shear assessment;
- Compaction and subsidence analysis;
- Sample selection and supervision of laboratory for rock mechanics testing;
- Interpretation of rock mechanics testing results;
- Specification of 3D geomechanical modelling studies, derivation of input parameters and review of results;
- Derivation of input parameters for fracture stimulation modelling.